Dairy Flat



Ag Day

HAY! HAY! It’s Dairy Flat AG DAY! 

(Annually since 1938)

2024 –  Saturday 19 October

On this day our school is open to our community, whānau and friends to celebrate our children’s achievements, our rural identity and our agricultural heritage. Agricultural Day is a very special day in our calendar and a learning opportunity for our whole school. The emphasis of Ag Day is on the caring and rearing of a farm animal. All students will have the opportunity to bring a farm animal to school, which they will have raised and cared for, to participate in the various judged events. Or, for our students who may not be able to bring an animal, they will take part in other activities.

Why have Ag day?

Rearing your own animal is a very special opportunity, and a very close bond can develop between animal and child. Our children learn valuable life skills through raising an animal and the Ag Day process, such as; caring, nurturing, animal health and welfare, responsibility, leadership, confidence, project presentation (through diaries and performance to the judges), patience and resilience. Agday is a lot of FUN!! It is also an opportunity for the community to get together, celebrate who we are and raise funds for the school. 

There are two categories

Each child to enter one category from or   one or two  from section B

SECTION A  (click on the blue links for more information)

LAMB Categories judged – leading & handling – most obvious pet – rearing & grooming 

CALF Categories judged – leading & handling – rearing & grooming – beef or dairy type 

GOAT Categories judged – leading & handling – most obvious pet – rearing & grooming CHICKENS Raised from 1 day old (only those supplied by DFS can be entered) Chickens will be judged on Ag Day. Diaries must be handed in to the school office before Ag Day.  One day chickens to be ordered by 26 July Click here for order form

CAGED PET Cannot be less than one month old and can not have been to Ag day before

SECTION B   Choose 1 or  2 activities  

Mystery Seed – This is created at home and brought to school on Saturday 19th October by 8.30am. Seeds are available from the school office before and after school.  $2.00 each

Insect/Bug Hotel- Made at home and brought to school on Saturday 19th October 8.30am

ScarecrowMade at home and brought to school on Saturday 19th October by 8.30am.

Blocks/LEGO – Made at home and brought to school on Friday 18th October by 8.30am.  


At School

There are 2/3 in class activities which the teachers will let you know about closer to the time. They may request some resources from home to complete these activities. 



Ag Day cups, ribbons and certificates will be awarded for a range of events on the day. Gold and silver medals are given out to take home.  The cups are on show in our school office.  


On the Day

All children will come to school at 8.45 with their animals and projects.  The children will be busy most of the day with their animals/projects

We ask all parents to give at least 30 min of their time during the day to support stalls, activities etc.  Teachers will send out a roster closer to the time.  Without your support many activities etc will not be available on the day so it is important that we all work together to make this day a success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some answers to frequently asked questions regarding Ag Day. If you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher or Katie Hills khills@dairyflat.school.nz 


HOW CAN I GET INVOLVED?  Ag Day would not be possible without the amazing support of parents. Whether you want to join the Ag Day Committee or simply offer your time to help set up or pack up on the day, all offers of assistance are gratefully accepted. If you would like to become involved, please email Katie Hills khills@dairyflat.school.nz  


We ask all families to give at least 30 min on the day to help out with a stall or activity.  A roster will come out closer to the day

When can my child start their Ag Day project? 

Lambs, goats and calves can be raised from the 1st July.

All other activities can be started as soon as the criteria has been made available.

When does my child’s Ag Day project need to be registered? 

Entry forms will be given out Monday 22nd August.

Can my child do more than one Ag day project one out of A and one out of B?

We strongly encourage students to focus on one category and complete it to a high standard. Students also need to be with their project to be judged. If they are not with their Ag Day project when the Judge calls them they may miss out on being judged.

What happens if I lose my plant or animal?

Unfortunately this does happen, just communicate this with your classroom teacher and they will be able to help.

Does my child need to stay with their Ag Day project after they  have been judged?

We strongly encourage students to stay with their project until the ribbons or certificates have been presented.

Must stay for the judging of the animals in the rings. 

Does my child have to come? Yes it is considered a school day.

When do I need to be there?

It is best to arrive by 8.45am so that you are ready at your ‘section’ for the day that officially starts at 9 o’clock.  


Can I bring my dog?  No.

Can anyone come?  Yes, invite your friends and family.  This is our major fundraising event and there is a lot happening on the day

What else will we see and be able to do on AG day?

PTA will have a range of stalls to buy items or food. There will also be games to participate in.  It is a fun-filled day for the whole family.  There will also be raffles and auction items.  All the proceeds will go to the Dairy Flat School PTA to fund large projects like playgrounds, updating the swimming pool etc