Dairy Flat




The Dairy Flat School PTA is a group of parents interested in contributing to the wellbeing of our tamariki and school environment.  Through various activities we fundraise to provide “extras” for the school and work together with the school Board of Trustees and school staff to help fund school projects.

Our role is not just that of a fundraising group – we also host social evenings for parents, organise kids disco’s, pop up shops and promote a ‘coming together’ of school, children, whānau and the wider community.   Our biggest event being ag day each year.                                                                                                   

We hold meetings throughout the year. These meetings are attended by the School PTA, and the Principal.  We welcome your involvement at these meetings, as new ideas, suggestions, assistance in organising events or even an extra pair of hands at a sausage sizzle is always appreciated.    

We want to feel that you are part of our school community and becoming a member of the School PTA or becoming involved in school events is a rewarding and great way to get to know other families.

Keep a look out in the newsletters and school calendar for the next meeting and event.

2024 – Current PTA officeholders:

President/Chair – Samantha Faulkner

Deputy Chair – Libby Augustin and Jessica Lowdon-Bird

Treasurer – Debra Cairns

Secretary – Kasey Cairns

Parent Support Group Contact dairyflatschoolpta@gmail.com