Dairy Flat



Healthy Eating

We promote a healthy lifestyle as part of our commitment to a safe and inclusive school environment. Educating students about nutrition and encouraging healthy active learning contributes to their personal success and wellbeing, and to a healthier community for everyone.

A healthy food and drink environment helps support a young person’s wellbeing/hauora, including their immediate physical and mental growth and development. It also helps establish positive behaviours for the future. Good nutrition can positively affect student behaviour, learning, concentration, and energy.
■ we ensure that any food or drink provided by/through the school (e.g. in class or sold at school) is healthy. Whole-school events, fundraising initiatives, and community events are times when treats can be provided as an option
■ we only provide water as a drink option whilst at school
■ staff encourage and model healthy food and drink choices to learners
■ we know the needs of our learners and, where possible, provide food that acknowledges the diversity of our community by considering those with special dietary needs (e.g. allergies and intolerances, and religious, cultural, and ethical food requirements)

■ promote healthy nutrition messages when deciding on food provided by the school (e.g. class rewards and celebrations, student prizes, special events, and school camp menus)
■ to support the diversity of our community, we would prefer that children do not bring in food to share or birthday party bags with food, etc.
■ whānau who want to celebrate birthdays with food and gifts are welcomed to do so outside of school in the local area or at their homes
■ cultural celebrations involving food will be advertised by the school and can be opt-out

■ Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga: Healthy Active Learning
■ Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand: Healthy Active Learning
■ Ministry of Health | Manatū Hauora: Healthy Food and Drink Guidance – Schools
■ SchoolDocs Dairy Flat School Policies and Procedures
Before the end of the term the BOT will be consulting the community with a
questionnaire to:
➔ Inform the school community about the content of the health curriculum.
➔ Ascertain the wishes of the school community regarding the way in which the
health curriculum should be implemented, given the views, beliefs, and customs of the
members of our community.
➔ Determine, in broad terms, the health education needs of the students at Dairy Flat School.